Monday, October 19, 2009

If it wasn't a pill that caused it...

It is reported in The New York Times(see link) that 3 new diet drugs are lining up for regulatory approval. It is estimated that Americans spend $59 billion annually on a range of weight reduction measures from diet books to stomach surgery.Yet as the paper reports only a very small amount of this is spent on prescription drugs.

There are two main reasons for this. Number one is that they don’t work particularly well and secondly there is a track record of diet tablets being taken off the market due to safety concerns. The new drugs have shown some “positive” results over a one-year trial. This is not a long time though and the safety issues with previous drugs only became apparent after they were used by a much larger number of people.

Given the huge potential profits it is easy to see why the pharmaceutical industry may be keen to get involved (the drugs are owned by biotech firms looking for a pharma partner). This is despite sales of current weight loss pills being small and the safety/liability issues. There is also the FDA concern of them being used “recreationally” by people who are not overweight but say want to drop one clothes size.

Here is something to think about. If it wasn’t a pill, which made you put on weight why do you, need a pill to reverse the process. It is always interesting to hear when people say diets didn’t work. Diets have no moving parts .The only way it can “work” is if the individual sticks to it.

Now herein does lay the issue. Many “diets” are considerably removed from what people normally eat each day. Hence the change is too hard to sustain. Even when people stay the course for long enough to reduce weight, they then revert to the previous eating patterns, and not surprisingly this takes them right back to where they started.

Whilst this should not come as a surprise it usually does.

So is there a solution? Of course there is. It starts with taking personal responsibility. You must accept that it is your own actions, which have led you to this place, and that it is only your own actions that can take you to a different place.

The solution is to change your eating patterns. It is no use repeating the same thing and expecting a different result. You need to change the way you relate to food . For example, if you comfort eat then recognize this and deal with the underlying issue. If you have a sweet tooth (like I do) accept this and allow yourself some small treats rather than going without for so long that you end up binging.

Keep at the front of your mind this simple concept. The body stores energy it does not use up as fat. The only way to reduce weight is to use up more energy each day then you put in. This gives you two dials to adjust. Use more energy by being active and consume less energy(calories).

Do not go hungry. Choose foods, which provide nutrition without excess calories. In simplest terms this will be whole food. Food that till recently was moving around, or growing somewhere.

Cut down on processed and packaged foods. Drink mainly water. For sustainable change these must become what you do daily not just a “diet” for a few weeks.

It has been done, it can be done and you can do it if you so choose.

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